The various sponsorship packages offer progressive businesses a great opportunity to raise their profile in the community and to help benefit the children in the Seycove Family Schools. Everybody wins with event sponsorship!
PLATINUM - $3000
An event liaison to work with your organization to have:
Corporate banner prominently featured at Event
Full Page Ad in the Program & Logo on Inside cover
Company name and logo on Marketing material and on our website
Pre & Post Post news coverage in the North Shore News
Logo on Roadside Event Signs
Recognition throughout the evening with name &contribution to 300+ attendees.
A complimentary table (10 seats)
GOLD - $1500
Gold Level sponsors enjoy all of the Silver Level benefits plus:​
Company name and logo on Marketing material and on our website
Logo on inside cover of Event Program
Pre & Post news coverage in the North Shore News
First Line access to buy a table of 10 for the event
Logo on Roadside Event Signs
Recognition throughout the evening with name& contribution to 300+ attendees.
Two complimentary tickets prior to ticket sales
SILVER - $750
Silver Level sponsors enjoy all of the Copper Level benefits plus:​
Company name and logo on Marketing material & website
Front-of-the-line access to purchase two event tickets prior to general ticket sales
Logo on inside cover of Event Program
Pre & Post news coverage in the North Shore News
First Line access to buy a table of 10 for the event
BRONZE - $500
Copper Level sponsors enjoy all of the Bronze Level benefits plus:
Company name & Logo on Marketing material & website
Front of the line access to purchase 2 event tickets pripr to general sales
Post-event news coverage in the North Shore News