The various sponsorship packages offer progressive businesses a great opportunity to raise their profile in the community and to help benefit the children in the Seycove Family of Schools.
PLATINUM - $3000
- Corporate banner featured prominently at the Event
- ​Full Page ad in the Event Program & logo on onside cover
- Company name & logo on Marketing material and website
Pre & post news coverage in the North Shore News
Logo on Roadside Event Signs
Recognition throughout the evening with your name & contribution for the 300+ attendees.
A complimentary table (10 seats) to the Event
GOLD - $1500
Gold Level sponsors enjoy all of the Silver Level benefits plus:
Company name and logo on Marketing material and on our website
Logo on inside cover of Event Program
Post news coverage in the North Shore News
First Line access to buy a table of 10 for the event
Pre & post event coverage in the North Shore News ad
Logo on Roadside Event Signs
Recognition throughout the evening with your name & contribution for the 300+ attendees.
Two complimentary tickets prior to ticket sales
SILVER - $750
Silver Level sponsors enjoy all of the Copper Level benefits plus:
Company name and logo on Marketing material and on our website
Front-of-the-line access to purchase two event tickets prior to general ticket sales
Logo on inside cover of Event Program
Pre & post news coverage in the North Shore News
First Line access to buy a table of 10 for the event
BRONZE - $500
Copper Level sponsors enjoy all of the Bronze Level benefits plus:
Company name and logo on Marketing material & website
Front-of-the-line access to purchase two event tickets prior to general ticket sales
Logo on inside cover of Event Program
Post-event news coverage in the North Shore News
There are so many ways to support the Seycove Auction!
Donate a product or service to the auction
Give a cash donation
Donate a gift card or bottle of wine to our signature raffles
Volunteer at the event and share in the fun!